Here are a few of the frequently asked questions. To provide you with the best customer experience, your feedback is greatly encouraged. If you have any questions please send us an email at info@blckbrw.com

Where do you ship from?

We ship from our partnered warehouses in Los Angeles, CA

How long will it take for my items to arrive?

It will usually take 7-14 business days and up to 30 depending the destination. Shipping times for some products can vary based on availability and location.

How long will it take to receive a tracking number?

It will take usually between 2-5 business days.

Where can I place an order from?

You can place an order anywhere in the U.S.

Will I receive a confirmation number when I place my order?

Yes, you will receive a confirmation number once the payment is processed and a receipt will be sent to your email with a copy of the number as well.

Who can I contact if I have a problem with my order?

Send questions regarding orders to info@blckbrw.com

How can I pay?

We accept all Major Credit Cards: Visa, Mastercard, Discover, Amex and also Paypal

Is Checkout on this site safe and secure?

Yes, indeed. All purchases are processed with industry standard security and encryption technology.

If I enter my email address will you sell my information?

Absolutely not. All information gathered is solely for BLCK BRW promotional purposes or updates on purchases.